Sunday 8 May 2016

How to Search for Opponents Faster

Hello guys, In this small post, I am going to show you how to search for opponents much faster, which helps me saving a lot of time while farming!
How to Search for Opponents Faster
I know that a lot of players have known this trick and have been using it for years but I really want to share it with others and I hope it’s not too late!
Normally while farming, we keep pressing the Next button and the screen “Searching for Opponents” keeps showing up. Normally it takes from 3 to 5 seconds to show a target. Let’s assume that you need to “next” 20 times before raiding, which is approximately 80 seconds. How many time do you spend everyday to see these pointless clouds? This is also a big waste of Gem when you are boosting your Barracks.
I have a trick which helps you search for opponents much faster and most of the time they will show up immediately! Let’s take a look at this small gif I made today:
Video Player
Yes, you got it!
While searching for opponents, just wait until the timer is at 28s-26s and press Next, the new opponent will show up much faster and you can make a lot of more loot, especially when you are farming with boosted Barracks.
Although this is just a small tip but I hope you have found it helpful guys! Thanks for reading, you rock!

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